Friday, October 16, 2009

Jay Duncan

Child of God. Sometimes as childish as they come, thats me. Sometimes I play guitar, sometimes I play with machinery, and sometimes I play at being an adult.

I guess we all wear a lot of hats. I've been trying to take my hats off for years, but they keep showing up in my closet - usually behind a skeleton or two.

I'm glad my friends helped me make this record. They sure didn't do it for money. I know I didn't. I selfishly made it for myself. It chronicles my struggles with faith and self and poverty. If I'm glad about one thing, it's that the story isn't over yet. And if you look close, the story's not about me either.

I am eternally thankful to my beautiful wife Irena for her support as we made this record. Despite a lot of hard times, when I wanted to stop the recording, she encouraged me to continue. Three years later - well its ALMOST done.

Thank you to everyone who played a part or hung in there when it was hard and slow going. Especially fond of you all equally...


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