Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mambo On The Rooftops

I'm a little bit of a late starter. I discovered Pearl Jam 10 years late. I discovered The Tragically Hip and the Black eyed Peas 10 years after they were cool. So it was no surprise to me when I finally started reading books I'd heard folks talking about forever and found them to be life changers. Did they really change my life? I wish I could say no, but that would be untrue. My understanding and experience of Gods' heart for us all, (including ALL of creation), has changed dramatically since I began reading. C.S.Lewis, in particular the Narnia Chronicles, was the first in a long line of books that has blown my 'worldview' to pieces. Funny enough, this has become a favorite at our church, and is based on one of the last, most critical lines of 'the Chronicles'.

Mambo On The Rooftops

Further up
Further in
Where the Lion sings
And all good things begin

That’s where we’re going
When the winter ends
Into the Promised Land and the river of life
Where we’ll dive in….

We will…
Dance in the river
Two step in the streets
We’ll be…
Singing with the Spirit
Forever waltzing with the saints
We will…
Mambo on the rooftops
Charleston in the rain
Hallelujah will be the song
Our feet will always sing

No looking back
No looking down
No more tears here,
Now laughter is a holy sound
So we run the race
And we run to win
Into that Promised Land and the river of life
Where we’ll dive in

Jay Duncan 2005

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