Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Did This Happen?

Knowing nothing at all about blogging I've decided to use a blog to replace the sixteen page booklet that would have accompanied my new cd. Maybe no one will ever read it - and maybe no one will ever hear the disc - who knows? The disc is huge for me. A real learning curve on so many levels.

I wanted to find a way to share whats behind the disc, and to tell about the special people who helped to make it a reality, and I wanted to talk about the songs themselves and the stories behind them - the journey that led to making another record.

It seems I make a new record every 5 - 10 years. Slow like molasses over an open fire in the middle of an Albertan snowstorm - you know they're melting, but you're also frightfully aware you may freeze to death before they're good and gooey.

Thats all for now. Keep your stick on the ice and your eye on the sparrow.

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