Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Long Road

The last time I saw Steve we made a list of all the signifigant events that have taken place in the lives of the people on the record. It's been over 2 1/2 years in the making, and probably five years in the writing - so I guess its no surprise that some important things happened along the way.

Irena and I were married.
Steve and Courtney were married.
Brett and Julia were married.
Irena and I had our first child, Noah Lukian.
Jon & Katie had their first daughter.
I spent 3 months in Uganda teaching two students.
I spent 3 1/2 months in Uganda teaching 11 students.
Kenton biked across Canada.
Kenton had knee surgery.
I moved numerous times.
I had a few vehicles.
My grandmother died.
Steve's grandmother died.
I worked for a church I fell in love with by accident.

I'm sure I'm missing lots, but you get the picture. Needless to say, I am stock piling the new song ideas for the next record in 10 years!

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