Sunday, November 1, 2009

Into The Arms

As a child I used to spend a lot of time at my grandmother's place in South Surrey. Back then we called it White Rock - it seemed like such a luxurious place to visit - filled with old ladies, sunshine and waaaay too many seagulls for my dad's liking.

Grandma and Grampa had two big white Pontiac's in the driveway, ducks and chickens, geese and garter snakes, coyotes and her own little dog named Chico. She had more parakeets, cockatiels and parrots than you could throw a shoe at. And she always spoiled me. I would sleep in late, and she would wait til I woke up to ask how I wanted my eggs that day. Every day. She always woke up early to take care of the yard and the animals. She had this best friend who lived across the street - Dolly was her name and I think they were competative over who had more animals and roses and grass to cut. I loved this lady. She was for me, a safe place. And she lived a million miles away.

As a kid I often wished I could live there. My own house was the loud house on the street, with my sister and I always yelling over who would do the dishes, my brothers scrapping over who knows what, and babies and adults making their fair share of the noise too. I just always wanted to live in a quiet house.

Please don't get me wrong. I LOVE my family. But they will be the first to admit that we all know how to push each others buttons. Even now, when I go back to visit, I fall into the same role I always used to play with my sister, and I feel like a jerk most of the time. In fact, I think I've gotten better at the self-righteous aspect of my role - much to my embarrassment.

When I was 27 we discovered that Grandma had Alzheimers'. It was the beginning of a long and cruel road she would travel before falling into the arms of Jesus.
On June 1st, 2009, Margaret finally entered His rest. She is no longer battling for breath, or memories, or a smile. She is resting - in the best place she could be. She is fully who the Father made her to be now. No more pain, or hurtful relationships - no more let downs or disappointments. She is home. And we miss her.


For Margaret

I’d say good-bye
But words don’t come easy
I'm not sure she hears me now
Not sure she sees me

So I’ll hold her hands
Watch her eyes take on twilight
Loosen my grip
I give up the fight

She will fall into the arms of her Maker
Lift her gaze to the One, who refused to forsake her
Finally free of the pain, like a songbird she now sings
She will fall into the arms of her Maker

She held me close
When my mama left my daddy
When push came to shove
When he treated her badly

So now I hold her close
Watch her eyes take on twilight
I loosen my grip
She gives up the fight

And she falls
Into the arms
Of her maker

Jay Duncan 2007

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