Sunday, November 1, 2009

Maybe Tomorrow

Sometimes songs come from a place thats familiar, and sometimes not. Sometimes its just that the creative juices are flowing and its fun to squish every bit of gooey goodness out of that fruit. This wasn't one of those. This was inspired by a friend whose journey in this life seems to be a lump of coal. He has days that are great but most days seem to be the dumps. One weekend a few years ago, I felt the Lord gave me a word for my friend. That word was 'floodplain'. It was a call to persist after God in the hope of better days. Floodplains are vast expanses of flat land which are usually dry, but sometimes give way to great fertile seasons of rain - in due time, I hope my friend and I will both see our lives in perspective. We are a part of His story, not the other way around. Wait for the rain. Wait for the rain. So tired of waiting...


How long O Lord?
How long my God?
Will you leave me here
With your enemy so near?

When floodplains like deserts lie
When the moon– she’s starving for light
When every river of hope is run dry
Maybe tomorrow

Where could we go?
To whom would we run?
For it’s You alone
You have the words of life

When floodplains like deserts lie
When the moon – she’s starving for light
When every river of hope is run dry
Maybe tomorrow

Maybe you’ll be here tomorrow
But maybe today
(Yeah I’m hoping for today)

How long O Lord?
How long my God?

Jay Duncan 2005

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